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Auto Accident Injury

Chiropractic care can make the difference between true recovery and healing or lingering pain and disability. Come to Thrive for treatment!

In the United States more than 4 million people are injured in auto accidents each year. Oftentimes, the injuries go unreported and worse yet, the victims fail to seek proper health care. Injuries sustained at high speeds have long been recognized as very threatening to the body. Whiplash occurs when the head and neck are thrown or “snapped” back and forth very quickly. The painful result is injury to the ligaments, soft tissue, and discs of the neck and spine.

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However, it is the lower impact collisions that will usually cause the most damage to the body due to a simple factor, neglect. Even a minor collision can have major effects on your health. When one vehicle is struck by another, thousands of pounds of force are exerted on the neck and spine. They cause misalignments in the spine and may not cause pain right away. With time, these misaligned vertebrae can cause devastating degenerative effects to the bones, the disc, and the nerves in the involved areas. The lack of pain immediately following a low impact collision tends to allow a much more serious problem to progress, spinal decay. This is exactly why all people involved in ANY kind of auto injury, regardless of speed, should be checked by a chiropractor.

Too many people who have been in a traumatic accident do not receive the proper treatment. They go from the emergency room to the medical doctor’s office and do not have their resulting misalignments, subluxations or pinched nerves treated.

Our experienced practitioner team can identify and treat those injuries in a natural and effective way. Seeking chiropractic care immediately following an accident will allow you to be treated before your injuries become more serious and debilitating.

Waiting several weeks or months could worsen a condition and lead to a longer healing process. Over time, an untreated injury may lead to an increase in existing and new symptoms.

Our practitioners have developed a rehabilitation protocol that will get you out of pain quicker and back to your normal activities sooner. We provide accident treatment utilizing the integration of Chiropractic, Physical and Rehabilitative Therapy, Massage, and Regenerative Medicine for enhanced therapeutic benefit.

Automotive Accident Injuries Get Worse Over Time, Don’t Wait


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