One of the biggest issues facing people wanting to live a happy and healthy lifestyle is chronic pain which is physically, mentally, and emotionally draining. The team at Thrive Chiropractic is passionate about helping people improve their quality of life by alleviating chronic pain with regular chiropractic adjustments paired with a natural treatment plan including yoga, stretches, and massage therapy.
Do chiropractors really help people who have chronic pain?
A chiropractic adjustment is a noninvasive procedure where chiropractors use manual manipulation to put bones and muscles back into the correct alignment. Pain can be a signal that something is out of alignment. Chiropractors identify the misalignment in the body that is causing the pain and move the bones and muscles back into place to relieve it.
Should you see a doctor or chiropractor for back pain?
The American College of Physicians recommends seeing a chiropractor to alleviate back pain because chiropractors use noninvasive techniques. Doctors prescribe pain medication, injections, or surgery for back pain so it may be better to consult a chiropractor first to see if they can help relieve back pain with manual adjustments and a natural treatment plan.
Is it safe to go to a chiropractor for back pain?
Chiropractors are trained in the safe use of spinal manipulation to move a subluxation back into place. By using a manual adjustment or a device called an activator, chiropractors move the misaligned vertebrae causing pain back into place aiding the body’s healing process.
Can chiropractors help with back pain without medicine?
Chiropractors don’t prescribe medicine or use it to treat back pain because they believe the body is self-healing and needs help getting back into alignment to relieve pain.
Can and should you seek a chiropractor for general back pain?
A chiropractor will take x-rays and do an exam to find the specific cause of the back pain. Once they have identified the spinal misalignment causing the pain, they will move it back into place to alleviate the pain.
Is chiropractic effective for treating back pain?
Chiropractors focus on adjusting the spine because it is part of the nervous system which communicates signals from your brain to the rest of the body. When the spine is out of alignment, it affects the entire nervous system, so chiropractors will almost always adjust your spine during a visit. This makes their adjustments particularly effective for treating back pain because they move the spine back into alignment and assuage the pain. A chiropractor also recommends exercises or stretches to strengthen the muscles in your back to help prevent pain and misalignments in the future.
Who should not get chiropractic care for back pain?
If you have experienced a back fracture or broken bones in the back or neck, consult a doctor first for those injuries. When you are in the healing process, then you can consult a chiropractor and see how their adjustments can aid in healing from this injury. For other back pain, consult a chiropractor to see how they can help. A chiropractor should do a new patient examination with a spinal x-ray to see exactly what is going on in your spine and how they can put you on an effective treatment plan to relieve pain.
Can a chiropractor relieve lower back pain permanently?
Chiropractors often prescribe a treatment plan with regular chiropractic care to keep your spine in alignment and out of pain. The spine moves because of everyday activities or stress so seeing a chiropractor regularly will improve your spinal health and keep you out of pain.
How do chiropractors treat upper back pain?
The upper back is comprised of twelve bones located between the neck and the bottom of your ribs, scientifically referred to as the thoracic spine. Chiropractors identify the subluxation in the upper back that is causing the pain and manipulate it back in place to ease the pain. After an adjustment, your chiropractor may suggest posture changes or exercises to help keep your spine in alignment and upper back free from pain
Is yoga or chiropractic care more effective for chronic back pain?
Yoga and chiropractic care work in tandem to help alleviate chronic back pain. Chiropractic care targets the misaligned vertebrae that are causing the back pain and puts them back into place, while yoga helps with muscle stability. The regular practice of yoga helps strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine to provide better support and stability for your spine and help prevent spinal misalignment and back pain. Thrive chiropractic offers yoga classes to help patients strengthen their muscles and prevent pain.
What do chiropractors treat besides back pain and is chiropractic effective for things other than back pain?
Chiropractors treat a wide range of issues that are caused by misalignments in the body. Any pain that is caused by a musculoskeletal issue, which is the system of bones, cartilage, ligaments, tendons, and connective tissues that make up your body, is treatable by a chiropractor. This includes disc herniation, carpal tunnel syndrome, neck pain, muscle strain, knee pain, and headaches. All these issues are caused by a misalignment of the musculoskeletal system which a chiropractor targets in their adjustments to realign the body and alleviate pain.
How can chiropractors treat pain from musculoskeletal issues?
Chiropractors treat pain from musculoskeletal issues by targeting the misalignment in the system and moving it back into place using manual manipulation. Pain can be a signal to the brain that something in the body is misaligned. Chiropractors use the symptom to target the real issue and once the bone, muscle, or tissue is aligned, the pain can be relieved.
Our primary goal at Thrive Chiropractic is to keep you out of pain so you can live a happy and healthy lifestyle. Call 208-345-2222 today, or schedule an appointment online and see how the team at Thrive can alleviate your pain.